The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, was established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, with the signing of the ASEAN Declaration (Bangkok Declaration) by the Founding Fathers of ASEAN, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Brunei Darussalam then joined on 7 January 1984, Viet Nam on 28 July 1995, Lao PDR and Myanmar on 23 July 1997, and Cambodia on 30 April 1999, making up what is today the ten Member States of ASEAN.
As set out in the ASEAN Declaration, the aims and purposes of ASEAN are:
1) To accelerate the economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region through joint endeavours in the spirit of equality and partnership in order to strengthen the foundation for a prosperous and peaceful community of Southeast Asian Nations;
2) To promote regional peace and stability through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries of the region and adherence to the principles of the United Nations Charter;
3) To promote active collaboration and mutual assistance on matters of common interest in the economic, social, cultural, technical, scientific and administrative fields;
4) To provide assistance to each other in the form of training and research facilities in the educational, professional, technical and administrative spheres;
5) To collaborate more effectively for the greater utilisation of their agriculture and industries, the expansion of their trade, including the study of the problems of international commodity trade, the improvement of their transportation and communications facilities and the raising of the living standards of their peoples;
6) To promote Southeast Asian studies; and
7) To maintain close and beneficial cooperation with existing international and regional organisations with similar aims and purposes, and explore all avenues for even closer cooperation among themselves.
DSD roles are related to No.4 whereby potential DSD cooperation is in the form of training and research facilities in the educational, professional, technical and administrative spheres.

ASEAN Digital Transformation and Future Skills Initiative Short Course (SC): Green Skills in TVET
Date: January 26 - February 11, 2024
Venue: Griffith University Brisbane, Canberra, Gold Coast, and Sydney, Australia
The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, under the initiative of The Aus4ASEAN Digital Transformation and Future Skills Initiative Short Course, in collaboration with Australia Awards in Indonesia (AAI) has organized a Short Term Course themed Green Skills in TVET which is implemented in two (2) parts which is an online briefing in January 2024 and two (2) weeks of physical training in Australia on January 26 to February 11, 2024.
This Green Skills in TVET course aims to give exposure to participants regarding the challenges faced by the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Sector in providing skill sets to be used by TVET Training Institutions as well as the industry in facing the Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) as well as the best strategy to face the challenge according to the suitability of the TVET management system in the ASEAN region.
The participants were also given the opportunity to meet with representatives from Australian Government Agencies including Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA), Department of Education, National Career Institute (NCI), The Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water (DCCEEW), and The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) to learn or see directly the best practices of Green Skills in TVET that are absorbed in the real employment industry.
Attended by :
1. Mr. Shahrizwan Effendi Bin Hashmi
2. Mdm. Norhidayah Binti Mohd Hanapiah

The 13th Meeting of the AQRF Committee and the Workshop on the AQRFC Focus Groups for the Action Line 4.3.1 - Introducing Digital Recognition of Qualification Between AMSs as part of the ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF)
Date: January 16 - 18, 2024
Venue: Everly Hotel, Putrajaya
This workshop was conducted to proposed Work Plan for AMS Focus Group Discussion Towards Policy/ Guidelines Recommendation on:
- Introducing Digital Recognition of Qualification between AMSs
- Promote quality assurance principles focused on qualifications
- Developing and applying criteria and procedures to enable third country qualifications frameworks or other regional qualifications framework to be compared with the AQRF.
The proposed work plan includes:
- Definition and Concept of Digital Recognition for Qualification - Recognition of qualification either digitally conferred or paper based issued by recognized providers which could be digitally verified by any trusted system provided by AMS - Malaysia and Myanmar
- Purpose of Digital Recognition for Qualification (Brunei and Indonesia)
- Benefit of Digital Recognition to ASEAN Higher Education and Lifelong Learning - Cambodia and Lao PDR
- National Policies and Institutional Practices (possible linkage to NQF and Quality Assurance) – Philipines and Vietnam
- Principles of ASEAN Digital Recognition for Qualification – All AMS
- Recommendations for Application/Implementation/Maintenance (AQRF/AMS) – Thailand and Singapore.
- Criteria for comparison on other existing Regional Qualification Frameworks (RQFs) and National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs).
- Detailed work plan such as activities, intended outcomes, timelines, funding requirements and delegation of responsibilities
Attended by :
1. Mr. Mohd Sukri Bin Ismail
2. Mr. Ahmad Iskandar Bin Sulaiman
3. Dr. Wan Nasaruddin Bin Wan Jalal
4. Dr. Zool Hilmi Bin Mohamed Ashari

ASEAN Skills Mission 2024, British High Commission Kuala Lumpur
Date: January 16, 2024
Venue: Intercontinental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
This programme featured 13 selected UK Skills Providers and Professional Chartered Bodies showcasing how the UK can support the strengthening of vocational skills sector in Malaysia through workshops, business matching, and high-level engagements with government & industry stakeholders. This collaborative effort aims to bring organisational leaders and industry experts in order to ideate and effective initiatives for enhancing Malaysia’s growing talent.
The TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) and skills standards applied in the UK have similarities with TVET in Malaysia in terms of skill standards, the ability to adapt to new technologies, and methods of skill training implementation.
According to the reported data during the event, there are 6.7 million regulated certifications globally, 500 independent training providers, 140 professional certifications, and 96 awarding bodies are recognized. UK skills approaches support 120 countries around the world. TVET in the UK is excellent with 1.8 million adults possessing internationally recognized skills.
Through the ASEAN Skills Mission platform, it represents a good collaboration between Malaysia and the UK in providing a space for sharing and networking related to TVET.
Attended by :
1. Mdm. Mazura Binti Rasdi
2. Mdm. Mariyam Jameelah Binti Bahari
3. Mdm. Safiza Binti Saleh
4. Ms. Nurul Afifah Binti Mohd Zaid
5. Mr. Mahazrul Bin Kamarrudin
6. Dr. Fairus Atida Binti Said

Technical Working Group Workshop on Regional Mapping of Labour Market Information for Skills and Employment Policies in ASEAN Member States
Date: March 2, 2023
Venue: Online
This TWG workshop were conducted based on the progress of the Project of Strengthening Labour Market Information Systems in ASEAN Member States for Better Skills and Employment Policies that was initiate since year 2021 which involved experties from ASEAN Member States (Technical Working Group members), ASEAN Secretariat, GIZ, ILO, Regional Mapping consultants (Empstat, National Consultants for Indonesia, Philippines, Viet Nam).
The consulting group team for this project who were assigned by the organizer has presented a preliminary draft report for this project for scrutiny and comments from TWG members and Ts.Dr. Nurul Amin bin Badrul from CIAST were assigned as TWG members that representing Malaysia.
Therefore, TWG members were asked to assist in identifying suitable stakeholders for the consultant to conduct an engagement session.
Attended by :
1. Ts. Dr. Nurul Amin Bin Badrul

[AQRFC - Phase V Project] : The Asean Qualification Referencing Framework (AQRF) Referencing Workshop : Series II
Date: October 25-26, 2022
Venue: Online
This AQRF referencing workshop was conducted with 6 objectives which are:
- Provide targeted support Asean Member State (AMS) yet to complete the referencing process, or are currently drafting referencing responses.
- Address specific challenges with referencing to the AQRF and the referencing process.
- Support AMS to reference to the AQRF, and to further progress referencing activities.
- Ensure a robust referencing process and to build a community of practice.
- Achieve an understanding of the value of referencing.
- Provide a platform for discussion relevant to post referencing concerns.
Therefore, outcome of this workshop is expecting to build the capacity and capability of ASEAN Member States in development and National Qualification Framework (NQF) implementation by sharing diverse national models for administer the NQF qualifications and quality assurance and also increasing the knowledge and understanding of reference concepts and AQRF key practices, including drawing on expertise in the ASEAN community of practice Member States (AMS).
Attended by :
1. Mr. Ahmad Iskandar Bin Sulaiman

Third Technical Working Group (TWG) Workshop for ProjectThird Technical Working Group (TWG) Workshop for Project
"Strengthening Labour Market Information System (LMIS)in ASEAN Member States (AMS) as a Basis for Better Skills andEmployment Practices"
Date: August 3-4, 2022
Venue: Sari Pacific Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia
This workshop meeting was organized by The Ministry of of Manpower of The Republic of Indonesia where program is a follow-up from the first workshop on 9 December 2021 and the second workshop on 25 March 2022. The aim is to confirm the priority areas for regional mapping and assessment as one of the outcomes of the project 'Strengthening LMIS in AMS as a Basis for Better Skills and Employment' Policies' that will end by 2023.
This workshop also involves a live session of the Acceptance and Skills Matching Training Module with the International Labor Organization (ILO), RECOTVET and other partners as well as a study visit to Pakser, Indonesia which is a job market center that has been developed in under the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition, several knowledge sharing sessions were also held during this workshop and has confirmed the priority areas for regional mapping and assessment where these areas will be the focuses and basis for the implementation through conducting the project.
Attended by :
1. SLOM-WG Focal Point : Ts. Dr. Nurul Amin Bin Badrul

2nd Task Force Meetingof the ASEAN- (Republic of Korea) ROK TVET Mobility Programme
Date: Mac 2, 2022
Venue: Zoom Platform
This meeting was discussed and finalize the 10 model programmes which selection are currently being assessed by (The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry) KCCI based on the evaluation sheets submitted by the ASEAN Member States. The purpose of this 2nd Task Force Meeting is to make confirmations and reviews regarding the information of all Training Centers and courses that have been submitted by each country.
Attended by :
1. Mdm. Faezah binti Harun
2. Mdm. Nor Azlina binti Karim
3. Mdm. Azreen Zuriathy binti Abdul Halim

ASEAN Skills Assessors Seminar on CAD Drawing
Date: January 18 - 20, 2022
Venue: Video Conference
Description on the evaluation of skills competition projects conducted by Malaysia. This presentation was conducted online by Malaysia as well as several other countries involved in the ASEAN world skills competition. This seminar was organized by JTB Corp. Kasumigaseki branch, Tokyo, Japan
Attended by :
1.Ts. Irwan bin Mohd Amir
2. Mr. Abdul Halim bin Jahaya
3. Mdm. Norazuri binti Yusoff

1st Regional Workshop for the ASEAN-Republic of Korea (ROK) TEAM Project Component 1
Date: November 26, 2021
Venue: Video Conference
This workshop organized by the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) will discuss key interim findings from Component 1 of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training through ASEAN Mobility Project (ASEAN TEAM Project) as well as a platform to learn best TVET practices. TVET practices among ASEAN member countries in order to achieve common prosperity in the region. The workshop will also discuss the Analytical Framework involving Component 1 of the ASEAN TEAM Project including the National TVET System of ASEAN Member States (AMS), Challenges with regards to Labor Market Information System (LMIS) and possible recommendations and Responding to Labor Market by TVET Curriculum.
Attended by : Mdm. Faizah binti Harun

ATC Organizational Development Workshop
Date: November 16 & 17, 2021
Venue: Video Conference
This program is a follow -up activity related to the ASEAN TVET Council. Still under discussion related to efforts to pursue key areas and activities that will strengthen the TVET system in ASEAN in the 6 outcomes of the ATC Work Plan 2021-2030. In that direction, ATC Organizational Development will be implemented in phases.
Attended by : Mr. Mohd Sukri bin Ismail

ASEAN+3 HRD Forum on Towards Green, Resilient and Inclusive Growth; Building Back better through Skills Development and Employment
Date: November 04 & 05, 2021
Venue: Video Conference
In 2020, the government has accelerated the reform of the skills system to adapt quickly to changing patterns of skills demand and prepare the workforce for future employment. It adds to the need to bridge the skills gap that already exists from 4IR. Focusing on better rebuilding through skills and employment development, the forum will discuss (1) lessons learned from the epidemic relief phase, (2) building toward a green, resilient and inclusive TVET system, and (3) employment policies to support a vulnerable workforce.
Attended by : Mdm. Siti Fauziah binti Jumadi

Workshop on ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF) Phase V Project
Date: September 29 & 30, 2021
Venue: Video Conference
This virtual workshop aims to:
address the key objectives and components of the ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF) for members of the ASEAN Qualifications Referencing Committee (AQRFC) and other interested parties to enhance their understanding of the AQRF’s strategic purpose and the referencing process; and
enhance understanding of the key linkages between the AQRF and quality assurance systems, as well as quality responses to five additional referencing criteria.
Attended by : Mr. Mohd Sukri bin Ismail

ASEAN Occupational Safety and Health Network (ASEAN-OSHNET)
Date: August 25, 2021
Venue: Video Conference
The program is organized by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health. It is a bi-annual conference that serves as a platform for sharing experiences among ASEAN member countries on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) issues. This program is a national commitment under the ASEAN Labor Ministers ’Work Program 2021 - 2025. This program is joined by ASEAN member countries. The 8th edition of the conference discussed topics related to work from home challenges and initiatives implemented by ASEAN member countries in enforcing OSH-related legislation as well as conducting routine activities from home to address the global COVID19 pandemic.
Attended by : Mr. Syarumiefizal bin Baharum

2nd Regional Workshop on the M&E Framework of the Roadmap to Implement the ASEAN Declaration on Human Resources Development for the Changing World of Work
Date: August 19, 2021
Venue: Video Conference
The Roadmap sets a common vision of a future- ready ASEAN workforce. AMS will be guided by six key principles, including the Roadmap is measurable → targets to be achieved with clear timelines and key performance indicators to track progress are established. Roadmap also provides guidelines on how and what the M&E of the Roadmap should be, including the development of the result-based key performance indicators (KPIs); monitoring of progress in respective meetings of SLOM, SOM-ED and ATC; and the development of a mid- and end-term review.
Attended by : Mdm. Zuleah binti Darsong
> Agenda
> Presentation Slides:

ASEAN Guiding Principles (AGP) Document for Quality Assurance and Recognition of Competency Certification Systems Benchmarking Report of Malaysia
Date: June 23, 2021
Venue: Video Conference
On June 23, 2021, a discussion on the ASEAN Guiding Principles (AGP) document For Quality Assurance and Recognition of Competency Certification Systems Benchmarking Report of Malaysia was held online. The discussion was held following the decision of the Deputy Director General (Operation) of Skills Development Malaysia as Taskforce Chairman's on November 16, 2020 via Preparation Meeting for Webinar of Alignment of Competency Certification Systems to the ASEAN Guiding Principles for Quality Assurance and Recognition of Certification System which instruct the secretariat to present the Benchmarking Report of Malaysia to be reviewed (proofreading) and improved.
Attended by : Dr. Mohd Rashid bin Buyong, Mdm. Meena a/p Ramalingam, Mdm. Nur Aini Syakimah binti Ahmad Shuyuti, Ts. Syarumiefizal bin Baharum & Ts. Mohmad Zairi bin Ramly
Taskforce Team Members
1. Dr. Mohd Rashid Buyong Hamzah, Deputy Director General, Department of Skills
Development, Ministry of Human Resources
2. Suhaila Abdul Samad, Principal Assistant Director, Department of Skills
Development, Ministry of Human Resources
3. Nurhida Shaharuddin, Principal Assistant Director, Department of Skills
Development, Ministry of Human Resources
4. Nurhayati Niaz Ahmad, Principal Assistant Director, Department of Skills
Development, Ministry of Human Resources
5. Ts. Dr. Norhayati Yahaya, Principal Assistant Director, Department of Skills
Development, Ministry of Human Resources
6. Roslinda Khalid, Principal Assistant Director, Department of Skills Development,
Ministry of Human Resources
7. Mahazrul Kamaruddin, Principal Assistant Director, Department of Skills
Development, Ministry of Human Resources
8. Liyana Haminudin, Senior Assistant Director, Department of Skills Development,
Ministry of Human Resources
9. Mohamad Aizuddin Saedon, Senior Assistant Director, Department of Skills
Development, Ministry of Human Resources
10. Nur Aini Syakimah Ahmad Shuyuti, Senior Assistant Director, Department of Skills
Development, Ministry of Human Resources
11. Dayang Nurul Nahar Talib, Senior Assistant Director, Department of Skills
Development, Ministry of Human Resources
12. Muhammad Shawwal Mohamad Rawi, Senior Assistant Director, Department of
Skills Development, Ministry of Human Resources
1. Sukri Ismail, Director, Department of Skills Development, Ministry of Human
2. Molinda Abdul Rahman, Director, Department of Skills Development, Ministry of
Human Resources
3. Yap Lip Seng, Chief Executive Officer, Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH)
4. Meena Ramalingam, Deputy Director, Department of Skills Development, Ministry
of Human Resources
5. Norlida Musa, Principal Assistant Director, Department of Skills Development,
Ministry of Human Resources
6. Azlin Abd Aziz, Senior Assistant Director, Department of Skills Development,
Ministry of Human Resources
Workshop on the Development of the ASEAN TVET Council (ATC) Work Plan and Zero ATC Work Plan
Date: June 15-16, 2021
Venue: Video Conference
DSD involve in the Workshop on the Development of the ASEAN TVET Council (ATC) Work Plan and Zero ATC Work Plan.
The ATC is a multi-sectoral/cross-sectoral body that provides a platform for coordination, research and development on innovations, and monitoring of regional programs that support the advancement of TVET in the ASEAN. Among its functions, as stipulated in its Terms of Reference, is to develop a comprehensive, integrated, and inclusive regional plan on TVET.
As the regional coordinating body for TVET, the ATC shall support the implementation of TVET related programs and activities under the various cooperation frameworks of the ASEAN such as the ASEAN HRD Roadmap, ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Framework and its Implementation Plan, and the labour, education, and economic sectoral work plans.
To this end, to ensure coherence and coordinated implementation of the TVET agenda in the region, a five-year ATC work plan shall be developed. As agreed upon by the ATC Focal Points during the 1st Meeting of the Council held on 10 March 2021, the work plan shall be developed by the ATC with the support of the ASEAN Secretariat and a possible development partner, and in consultation with the ASEAN Dialogue Partners, partner organizations, and other regional stakeholders. In relation to this, the Chair has requested the support of the RECOTVET for this process.
Attended by : Mr. Mohd Sukri bin Ismail

Core Group Discussion of Review of Institutional Mechanism for Industry Engagement in TVET/skills Training - Online Seminar on The Interim Findings - Construction & Food Processing
Date: July 30, 2021
Regional Workshop on the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework of the Roadmap of the ASEAN Declaration on Human Resource Development (HRD) for the Changing World of Work
Date: April 27, 2021
Venue: Video Conference
The ASEAN Declaration on Human Resources Development for the Changing World of Work was adopted by the 36th ASEAN Summit on 26 June 2020. The Declaration calls for the development of a roadmap for its implementation through concrete strategies and actions that will complement the work plans of the ASEAN Labour Ministers Meeting (ALMM), ASEAN Education Ministers Meeting (ASED), ASEAN TVET Council (ATC) and other relevant sectoral bodies.
Attended by : Mdm. Meena a/p Ramalingam & Mr. Mohmad Zairi bin Ramly
> Agenda
> Presentation slides:
Ways Forward (Dr Ha Thi Minh Duc)
Monitoring Progress and Measuring Outcomes of HRD (Jörn Dosch)
Towards an HRD M&E Framework (Pamela A. Grafilo)

Launching Workshop of the Study Report on Human Resources Development (HRD) Readiness in ASEAN
Date: April 26, 2021
Venue: Video Conference
The HRD readiness study is part of the ambition of ASEAN Member States (AMS) to frame HRD as a key priority of future policy-making in the region. It provides the conceptual foundation, empirical explorations and comparative findings on HRD in AMS. It offers a snapshot of the state of HRD readiness in the ten AMS. It describes existing practices and introduces options for future policies, as guided by a conceptual framework of investigation. In particular, it explores approaches taken in AMS that are currently applied with regard to HRD in reaction to future challenges in changing world of work. It reveals considerable gaps between the appraisal of importance and desirability on one hand, and the extent of realisation and achievement of different areas of HRD interventions on the other hand. As a result, the study encourages the member states to speed up their approaches to make people resilient to face the impending landscape of the future of work and skills.
Attended by : Mdm. Meena a/p Ramalingam & Mr. Mohmad Zairi bin Ramly
> Agenda
> HRD Readiness in ASEAN (Malaysia)
> Presentation slides

1st Meeting Of The Asean TVET Council (ATC)
Date: Mac 10, 2021
Venue: Video Conference
TAGUIG CITY – TESDA Secretary Isidro Lapeña convened the members of the ASEAN Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Council (ATC) for its first meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 2021 via virtual conferencing platform.
This stemmed after the Philippines, through the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), assumed the inaugural chairmanship of the council last August 4, 2020.
The first meeting focused on the selection of the council’s vice-chair, discussion of the rules of procedure, and the development of a work plan of strategies to enhance industry participation, and address emerging issues brought by the ongoing pandemic, technological transformations, and other developments.
Attended by : Mr. Mohd Sukri bin Ismail
29-30 October 2020 [CIAST]: Regional Workshop on Evaluation Sharing and Lessons Learned from the Piloting of ASEAN Guiding Principles for Quality Assurance and Recognition of Competency Certification Systems within Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philiipines

Strengthening the Quality Assurance and Competency Certification Systems through the Application of ASEAN Guiding Principles for Quality Assurance and Recognition of Competency Certification Systems within ASEAN Economies
1st June 2018-31st May 2020
This project is conducted by the Department of Skills Development (DSD), Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia as the focal point agency to oversee the implementation of the project in Malaysia. It is aimed at assisting Malaysia and other economies for Quality Assurance and Recognition of Competency Certification Systems. Through the funding of Japan-ASEAN Integrated Fund (JAIF) and with the support of the International Organization of Migration (IOM) and the ASEAN Secretariat, the project will be piloted through three ASEAN Members States (AMS) which is Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippine. The trilateral approaches aim to align AMS national frameworks with ASEAN Guiding Principles (AGP) through the following; (1) increased awareness of relevant governments and businesses on the adopted of Guiding Principles; (2) Three selected countries voluntarily tested out the applicability of the ASEAN Guiding Principles (AGP) for Quality Assurance and Recognition of Competency Certification Systems into their country system; (3) AMS have improved ability to support the implementation of the Guiding Principles into their country system.
Attended by : Mr. Mohd Sukri bin Ismail & Planning, Development & Research Division

Malaysian National ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (MyAQRF)
On May 21 to 23, 2019, the 6th AQRF Committee (AQRFC) Meeting and Workshop in Luang Prabang, Laos unanimously accepted and formally endorsed the full AQRF Referencing Report of the Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF) to AQRF by Malaysia. MQA together with DSD developed the AQRF Referencing Report for Malaysia
Reference and materials:

ASEAN Guiding Principles for Quality Assurance and Recognition of Competency Certification Systems (the Guiding Principles) 2018
Phase 1 Agp1 guideline
Phase 2 - Tourism Agp2
phase 3 - Agp3
The ASEAN Guiding Principles for Quality Assurance and Recognition of Competency Certification Systems is a project planned in the ASEAN Labour Ministers’ Work Programme 2010-2015 and developed by the ASEAN Senior Labour Officials Meeting (SLOM) under the coordination of the Indonesian Professional Certification Authority (BNSP) and Ministry of Manpower of Indonesia in collaboration with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and the ASEAN Secretariat. This ASEAN Guiding Principles was adopted by the 24th ASEAN Labour Ministers Meeting (ALMM) held on 15 May 2016 in Vientiane, Lao PDR.

ASEAN Guiding Principles for Quality Assurance and Recognition of Competency Certification Systems (the Guiding Principles) 2018
phase 3 - Agp3
The ASEAN Guiding Principles for Quality Assurance and Recognition of Competency Certification Systems is a project planned in the ASEAN Labour Ministers’ Work Programme 2010-2015 and developed by the ASEAN Senior Labour Officials Meeting (SLOM) under the coordination of the Indonesian Professional Certification Authority (BNSP) and Ministry of Manpower of Indonesia in collaboration with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and the ASEAN Secretariat. This ASEAN Guiding Principles was adopted by the 24th ASEAN Labour Ministers Meeting (ALMM) held on 15 May 2016 in Vientiane, Lao PDR.