Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) idea was initiated by former Prime Minister of Malaysia, H.E. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad. In 1993, the former President of Indonesia, H.E. Suharto, Prime Minister of Thailand, H.E. Chuan Leekpai and HE. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad was endorsed the formalisation of IMT-GT in Langkawi, Malaysia.

IMT-GT provides a sub-regional framework for accelerating economic cooperation and integration of the member states and provinces in the three countries.

The IMT-GT promotes private-sector-led economic growth and facilitates the development of the sub-region as a whole by exploiting the underlying complementarities and comparative advantages of the member countries.


IMT-GT envisions a seamless, progressive, prosperous and peaceful subregion with improved quality of life.


The seven strategic pillars denote the key focus areas that are expected to produce the most significant economic and social impact on the IMT-GT subregion. These pillars are divided into three Lead Focus Areas that are supported by four Enablers.

The Lead Focus Areas comprise the Agriculture & Agro-Based Industry, Tourism, and Halal Products and Services Pillars. It is intended that they will spearhead IMT-GT cooperation and integration for the next two decades. These lead focus areas were selected based on careful evaluation of the comparative and competitive advantage of the subregion.

The four Enablers will support the Lead Focus Areas and comprise the Transport and ICT Connectivity, Trade and Investment Facilitation, Environment, and Human Resource Development, Education and Culture Pillars.


Ministry of Human Resources is a member of the Human Resource Development Working Group under the Human Resource Development, Education and Culture Pillars. DSD works closely in matters relating to skills development



Date: 24 - 28 July, 2023

Venue: Non-Physical Training via Zoom Platform

The Welding Quality Control (Non-Physical) course is specifically designed for technical trainers, vocational training managers, officers, and lecturers affiliated with government institutions or departments. The course focuses on Welding Quality Assurance (WQA) and Quality Control (QC), which are essential aspects in various welding industries such as aerospace, automotive, manufacturing, construction, infrastructure, shipping, and railways.

This course aims to enhance participants' knowledge and skills in meeting QA and QC requirements governed by different state regulations, codes, and standards. It empowers employees to effectively implement the roles of QA and QC personnel, showcasing proficiency in quality control management. Furthermore, the course seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of related QA and QC activities, serving as a valuable practice guide to improve transparency, consistency, comparability, completeness, and confidence in these industries.

Throughout the course, participants will become familiar with a range of QA and QC terminologies, welding processes, and their practical applications. Engaging eLearning platform lectures, forum discussions, and interactive sessions will facilitate their understanding of inspection and test plans, welding inspection techniques, and non-destructive testing methods.

To gauge participants' progress and comprehension, the course includes pre-tests, theoretical tests, quizzes, and post-test evaluations, ensuring the retention of practical knowledge and the development of skills.

Reported by : 

1) Ts. Dr. Norhayati Bt. Yahaya 

2) Mr. Mohd Azmir bin Ahmad


> Photo Event


15th Meeting – Strategic Planning Meeting IMT-GT Plenary Session 2022

Date: May 25, 2022

Venue: Online

The meeting discussed the IMT-GT Strategic Plan for 2022 and preparation for the implementation of all programs proposed and planned so that runs smoothly after Covid-19 pandemic since the pandemic was accelerated the emergence of new sectors like the digital economy and digital work which as well posed disruptions in labour intensive markets and the environment.

During the meeting discussion, representative from Asean Development Bank (ADB) presented about support in programs comprise of Special Economic Zones (SEC) and Economics Corridor (EC), Green and Sustainable Cities, recovery for tourism industry and economic recovery for all sectors involved after Covid-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile, The Director of CIMT presented to the meeting the concept note titled “Revitalising IMT-GT Chief Ministers and Governors’ Forum: Tapping Opportunity from Economic Corridors. The expected outcome from this concept note are to enhanced CMGF cooperation through economic corridors approach, strengthened active role of CMGF in IMT-GT cooperation encourage More bottom-up project/ programme proposals by IMT-GT local governments.

This meeting also coordinates all inputs obtained from the presentation of all working groups regarding the current status of program implementation.

Attended by : Mr. Mohd Azmir bin Ahmad


> Agenda

> Concept Note


IMT-GT Regional Workshop for Implementation Blueprint (IB) 2022-2026

Date: September 3, 2021

Venue: Video Conference

The purpose of this workshop was to discuss the IB (Implementation Blueprint) 2022-2026 IMT-GT which will be implemented next year after obtaining agreement in terms of mechanisms and planning to be implemented with IMT-GT members. Workshops are clustered into ‘Working Groups’ involved and KSM’s involvement in Human Resource Development cluster. Discussion of the direction of each designated cluster and presentation about the results included for improvement for IB 2022-2026. IB 2022-2026 was presented by the appointed consultant after receiving input from the ‘IMT-GT Ministerial Meeting’ and ‘Senior Officials Meeting’ which will be used from in 2022.

Attended by : Mr. Mohd Azmir bin Ahmad


> Agenda

> Concept Note


National Workshop on the Formulation of Implementation Blueprint (IB) 2022-2026

Date: July 14, 2021

Venue: Video Conference

Workshop on the proposed Implementation Blueprint 2022-2026 for IMT-GT. Background discussion and introduction on the ‘IB 2022-2026’ formula for the sectors and areas that need to be involved for the country. Malaysia's participation in IMT-GT in its field and scope agreed was presented by the appointed consultant as well as the challenges and opportunities that will be obtained by the country through IB 2022-2026. Description of the national strategic plan in placing this IB in line with national development plans such as RMK12 and Prosperity Vision Together.

Attended by : Mr. Mohd Azmir bin Ahmad



> Work Group


IMT-GT University Network Meeting for the 28th IMT-GT Senior Officials Meeting

Date: June 22, 2021

Venue: Video Conference

The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the report on the results of the meeting IMT-GT Uninet Meeting 2020 2) 14th SPM Meeting on 03 Apr 2021. The meeting also presented on the progress regarding the direction and for the new membership of Uninet and Uninet as a think tank for the ‘HRD, Education & Culture’ cluster.

The meeting also presented the IB 2022-2026 proposal through an appointed consultant for the next direction. The consultant advised that all members of the Uninet group could play a specific role on the projects and programs proposed for the success of IB 2022-2026 to be implemented in the future. All new suggestions and ideas should be given input to the consultant through questions survey provided. The meeting recommended that the Uninet cluster be given a distinct role and become the main cluster and not under the HRD, Education & Culture subcluster.

The meeting agreed to be considered and will be brought to the next main meeting.

Attended by : Mr. Mohd Azmir bin Ahmad


  1. Slide Presentation


Meeting on The 11th IMT-GT Working Group Meeting on HRD, Education and Culture

Date: June 16, 2021

Venue: Video Conference

The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the IMT-GT 2022-2026 Implementation Blueprint (IB 2022-2026). IB 2022-2026 is the second 5-year plan towards making IMT-GT an integrated, innovative subregion, inclusive and sustainable as envisioned under IMT-GT Vision 2036 (Vision 2036) .The meeting also outlined the proposed analytical framework and methodology to achieve the objectives and scope of work of the IB Formulation Project 2022-2026 (Project or Study), which covers techniques proposed data collection, expected outcomes, and indicative work plans. It also provides some preliminary findings based on the initial assessments done so far. The Project Concept Paper outlines the following scope of work:

i. Identify the analytical framework for the formulation of IB 2022-2026 by reviewing the available plans and projects from each sector and relevant bodies under the IMT-GT collaboration.

ii. Analysis of IB 2017-2021 in terms of strategies, actions, challenges, opportunities that need to be improved / overcome and enhanced in IB 2022-2026.

iii. Summary of IB 2022-2026 which contains long-term strategies, programs and projects towards implementing the long-term vision and goals (2017-2036) of IMT-GT. The IB will recommend an appropriate framework for stakeholders.

Attended by : Mr. Mohd Azmir bin Ahmad


  1. Implementation-Blueprint

  2. IMT-GT Vision 2036


Invitation for IMT-GT WGHRDEC to the Special Session of the Preliminary Discussion on the Skills Recognition Processes for the Welding Manufacturing via Video Conference

Date: April 5, 2021

Venue: Video Conference

  1. To establish a coordinative mechanism for Projects in ASEAN related to skills certification and skills recognition;

  2. To establish a framework by which the procedures, templates, instruments and tools of each current project can read into each other; and

  3. To synchronize this project outputs into the next phase of each project.

Attended by : Mdm. Siti Nani binti Shaarani & Ts. Syarumiefizal bin Baharum


> Agenda

> Concept Note

14 & 15 September 2017 [Putrajaya, Malaysia]: IMT-GT 7th Working Group Meeting on Human Resource Developmen Education and Culture (WGHRDEC)


4 - 6 September 2017 [Bangkok, Thailand]: Workshop on Competency Skills Standard (IMT-GT WGHRDEC)


30 & 31 August 2017 [Chiang Mai, Thailand]: International Workshop on Skills Dev Cooperation & Network