The German Government is supporting the efforts of governments in South-East ASIA to improve technical vocational education and training (TVET) at the national level. Cooperation countries include Viet Nam, Laos, Indonesia and Myanmar. The long-standing partnerships are based on a mutual understanding that TVET produces qualified workers with skills needed by businesses and helps to integrate young people into the labour market. Partners benefit from the expertise gained and lessons learned in Germany, where TVET has long been an essential component of a successful social market economy.
South-East ASIA has experienced dynamic economic growth in recent years, and national TVET systems are failing to meet the current demand for qualified workers in relevant industry and service sectors in the region. Moreover, not all of the necessary foundations are in place that will enable countries to adapt to the structural changes brought about by internal market integration.
The department of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat responsible for socio-cultural development and the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) are two regional structures that are working with the programme to drive improvements in the quality and comparability of national TVET systems. National, regional and international business representatives are involved in designing regional TVET strategies and will ensure that TVET is more relevant to labour markets.
The foundations are in place for harmonised and labour market-oriented TVET in ASEAN member states in terms of technical, human and institutional resources.
The programme focuses on strengthening regional cooperation in ASEAN member states in order to enhance the effectiveness of TVET. A large number of measures are being carried out in three fields of activity:
Supporting regional organisations in ASEAN. Dialogue processes held twice a year will boost regional expertise. Among other things, policymakers from national and regional government institutions and the private sector will meet to jointly devise a harmonised agenda for improving the quality of TVET systems in the region.
Cooperating with the private sector. The focus is on training in-house trainers and strengthening business associations’ skills so that they can express and represent their interests during the design of TVET.
Improving education and training for TVET personnel. Measures will focus on enhancing the skills of teaching and management staff by providing technical and methodological support and advice to TVET institutions during the development of regional TVET services and the quality-controlled delivery of these services.
The previous Regional Cooperation Programme to Improve the Training of TVET Personnel (RECOTVET I) has already created the essential foundations for systematically improving regional TVET strategies.
DSD supports RECOTVET's agenda related to skills development.

Digital Transformation in TVET – Strengthening Personnel Capacities for the Future of Work
Date: 28 – 29 November 2024
Platform : Physical , Vientiane, Lao PDR
In its role as the ASEAN Chair 2024, Lao PDR through The Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) was hosted an ASEAN TVET Conference with the theme “Digital Transformation in TVET – Strengthening Personnel Capacities for the Future of Work” on 28-29 November 2024 in Vientiane.
The Conference aims to contribute to the region’s attempts to reform and strengthen its TVET systems and emphasizes the necessity of preparing the ASEAN workforce to succeed in an increasingly digital and automated world. The Conference also supports the implementation of the ASEAN Declaration on Human Resource Development (HRD) for the Changing World of Work, the ASEAN Work Plan on Education 2021 – 2025 as well as the ASEAN TVET Council’s Work Plan 2021 – 2030.The ASEAN region is witnessing a significant shift as economies and industries increasingly embrace digital technologies. This transformation, driven by Industry 4.0, requires a corresponding evolution in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to equip students with the skills necessary for the future workforce.
Digital transformation in TVET involves integrating advanced technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics, and big data, into the curriculum. It also emphasizes developing digital literacy, computational thinking, and technical skills across various trades. As economies in the region vary widely in their technological development, digital transformation in TVET is crucial for harmonizing skills standards and ensuring that all member states can benefit from the digital economy.
A critical component of this transformation is enhancing the capacity and digital competencies of TVET teachers. As the primary facilitators of knowledge and skills, teachers must be well-versed in new technologies and digital tools to effectively deliver modern curricula. This includes understanding and applying emerging educational methodologies such as blended learning and online education platforms.
The presentation shared by the Malaysian representative covered the implementation of TVET training in Malaysia, which is extensive and involves 12 ministries conducting training and certification in various skill areas Therefore, a system has been established to coordinate and govern the development of TVET personnel in both public and private institutions in Malaysia. This system is known as TIPS, the TVET Instructor Profiling System.
Attended by :
- Ir. Ts. Dr. Aziyati Yusoff

Date: 15 February - 8 March 2024
Platform :
- Online, SEA-VET Learning Platform [15 - 21 February 2024]
- Physical , Bangkok Thailand [4 - 8 March, 2024]
▪ This training programme is a learner-centered course organised in a hybrid format, incorporating both asynchronous and synchronous learning approaches. The design employs training methods such as problem-based learning, group work, and case
study analysis.
▪ The aim is for TVET management personnel to be able to apply the acquired knowledges to their own action plan in terms of gender responsive approach at their TVET institution.
▪ The SEA-VET Learning Platform will be used for this course.
➢ Programme Learning Outcomes
▪ Differentiate the concept of gender equality, equity, and social inclusion.
▪ Identify structural and cultural barriers to women’s participation in TVET.
▪ Develop a gender responsive policy, strategic plan & evaluation (including planning, implementation, and evaluation), to address barriers to women’s participation in TVET.
▪ Develop gender-transformative strategic plan for a Just Transition in collaboration with TVET teaching personnel.
Attended by :
- Mdm. Nurashikin Binti Ismail
- Mdm. Zaimah Binti Mu

The 10th Regional Steering Committee Meeting of ASEAN In-CT Standard
Date: 23 Mei - 30 June, 2023
Platform :
- Online, SEA-VET Learning Platform [23 Mei - 15 June 2023]
- Physical , Global Institute for Transferring Skills (GIFTS) of HRD Korea in Incheon, Republic of Korea [22 - 30 June, 2023]
This course aims to train and equip the participants whi is new Master Trainer with competencies that have been reviewed and improved by the Steering Committee RECOTVET to enable delivery of In-Company Training become more efficient by utilizing digital competence as well as technological advances in the field of TVET. This course has been implemented in hybrid/blended learning where it includes modules online through the medium of SEA-VET Learning Platform on 23 May 2023 until 15 June 2023, while face-to-face courses are conducted from 22 to 30 June 2023.
The 2023 Hybrid Regional Training of Master Trainers for in-company trainers is based on the Standard for In-Company Trainers in ASEAN Countries and has been curated to meet regional demands for preparing the existing and future workforces for the fast pace of digitalisation and technological advancements. The training will enhance the capacity of participants to plan, organise, and implement trainings for in-company trainers effectively in the digital era.
The training involved experienced trainers from across the ASEAN region and beyond, providing a unique opportunity for peer-learning. It was organised in a blended-learning format to familiarise participants with a hybrid mode of training delivery and knowledge transfer. As a result, participants are able to act as future trainers and multipliers for in-company training in their home countries.
Attended by :
- Mdm. Nurashikin Binti Ismail
- Mdm. Zaimah Binti Mu

The 2023 Hybrid Regional Master Trainer Training on the Standard for In-company Trainers in ASEAN Countries
Date: February 2, 2023
Venue: Online, (13.00 - 16.30 Bangkok Time)
In its preceding phase, RECOTVET aimed to strengthen in-company training in the ASEAN region through the development of the Standard for In-Company Trainers in ASEAN Countries (ASEAN In-CT Standard) and the Regional Master Trainers Training for In-Company Training. The Standard has been developed by 60 experts across the region to establish competencies in-company trainers need to effectively transfer practical knowledge to students, apprentices and employees both as part and not as part of a TVET system.
For this 10th Regional Steering Committee Meeting, the meeting was devided into 3 parts which are sharing of progress and updates, technical inputs from experts on training development plans, and discussion session. Outputs from this meeting are Understanding and feedback on the outcomes from the Technical Working Group meetings through:
- Validated revised Master Trainer competencies (2022) and agreed training outline for the training on additional competencies.
- Agreed training outline of the full Master Trainers training in a blended learning/hybrid format.
- Shared interests of the Steering Committee members on the utilisation of PCCI E-learning in their respective countries.
- Recommendations for the Regional Guideline for Master Trainers.
- Common overview of the plans and timeline for regional activities supported by RECOTVET in 2023
Attended by : Mr. Mohamad Adry Bin Harun

Second part of 9th Regional Steering Committee Meeting of ASEAN In-CT Standard
Date: 1-2 Ogos 2022
Venue: Bangkok, Thailand
The 9th Steering Committee Meeting, which took place virtually on 29 March 2022, informed the Steering Committee of the current situation analysis of Master Trainers (MTs) and ASEAN In- Company Trainers (In-CT) in the changing work environments impacted by Industry 4.0 and digitalisation processes, as well as the further development plans in place for MTs and In-CTs in terms of training delivery and some of its contents.
It was accompanied by technical working group meetings in the form of focus groups for in-depth discussions on further development plans. Following these, the 9th Plus Steering Committee meeting was held to provide an update on the outcomes of the technical working group meetings.
The end goal of the 9th Steering Committee meeting, technical working group meetings, and the 9th Plus Steering Committee meeting is to highlight needs and to support the development of additional competencies related to technological advancement and digitalisation, blended learning of the ASEAN In-CT Standard, and utilisation of PCCI e-learning modules.
Attended by : Mdm. Meena a/p Ramalingam
12-17 November 2019 [Myanmar]: 10th Regional Policy Dialogue On TVET: Advancing The Quality Of TVET In Asean – The Practice Of Quality Development And Quality Assurance
7-25 October 2019 [Korea]: 7th Regional Master Trainer Training Based On The Standard For In-Company Trainers In Asean Countries
13-15 February 2019 [Thailand]: 7th Regional Steering Committee of the Standard for In-Company Trainers in ASEAN Countries
221 - 22 June 2018 [Indonesia]: The 7th Regional Policy Dialogue TVET (RECOTVET)