Launched In 1994, the BIMP-EAGA initiative boosts growth in trade, investments, and tourism through new intra-region shipping routes and air links as well as power interconnection projects. Other key areas of cooperation include agribusiness, tourism, the environment, and socio-cultural education.
The Brunei Darussalam–Indonesia–Malaysia–Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area, or BIMP-EAGA, is a cooperation initiative established in 1994 to spur development in remote and less developed areas in the four participating Southeast Asian countries.
The subregion covers the entire sultanate of Brunei Darussalam; the provinces of Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and West Papua of Indonesia; the states of Sabah and Sarawak and the federal territory of Labuan in Malaysia; and the island of Mindanao and the province of Palawan in the Philippines. These areas are geographically far from the national capitals, yet strategically close to each other. These states and provinces account for over 60% of the land area of the BIMP-EAGA countries; yet they make up less than 20% of their population and 18% of the labor force.
Through BIMP-EAGA, the four countries want to generate balanced and inclusive growth as well as contribute to regional economic integration in the ASEAN Economic Community. They want to boost trade, tourism, and investments by easing the movement of people, goods, and services across borders; making the best use of common infrastructure and natural resources; and taking the fullest advantage of economic complementation.
Thanks to strong ownership and commitment, as demonstrated by the financial, human and technical resources put in by the member governments, BIMP-EAGA has grown over the last 25 years. In 2017, BIMP-EAGA’s combined gross domestic product reached $287 billion, merchandise trade surged 21.5%, and annual tourist arrivals grew 6.6%
BIMP-EAGA is an intergovernmental economic cooperation program that is envisioned to promote private sector-led and market-driven growth.
The governments address the basic problems of the growth area, such as lack of adequate transport, power, and ICT infrastructure, to pave the way for private sector investments and activities. They fill the infrastructure gaps, provide the policy and regulatory environment for public-private partnerships in relevant projects, and resolve such issues as transport facilitation, cross-border trade facilitation, elimination of non-tariff barriers and measures, and streamlining of customs, immigration, quarantine, and security rules, regulations and procedures.
The governments determine the development path of BIMP-EAGA, aligning it with the social and economic development priorities of local governments and local communities’ aspirations. Vision 2025 sets the long-term strategic thrusts of becoming a regional food basket and premier tourism destination provided natural resources are sustainably managed and connectivity is enhanced within and outside of BIMP-EAGA.
Along with the private sector, local governments are key enablers of the strategic directions set by the BIMP-EAGA national governments. They create a conducive business environment and support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in their areas.
The private sector plays an important role in identifying challenges and solutions to better promote trade, tourism and investment, and also helps identify private sector-led projects that can support the subregion’s development.
DSD is a member of the Human Resource Development Working Group (HRDWG) under BIMP-EAGA

Date: 11 - 13 December 2024
Venue: Imperial Hotel, Kuching Sarawak
The international conference themed "Building Sustainable Future Through TVET" was officiated by The Right Honourable Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari Bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg, Premier of Sarawak.- DSD
- Manpower Department (JTM)
- TalentCorp
- Transformation of TVET for the Future of Work – Advancing Skill Development for the Future of Work by Ir. Ts. Dr. Azmi Bin Ahmad (Deputy Director General (Development), Department of Skills Development).
- Empowering Malaysia’s Workforce: Bridging TVET and Industry for a Future-Ready Nation,' highlighting the critical role of TVET institutions in preparing a future-ready workforce by Ts. Kamaruzaman bin Haji Md. Ali, The Deputy Director General of Manpower Department.
- Participated as Panelist in the forum 'Building Sustainable Future Through TVET Across BIMP-EAGA,' focusing on the importance of regional integration for TVET sustainability especially in New Emerging Technology by Ts. Yogeswaran A/L Seleappan from CIAST
The event concluded with inspiring remarks by Tan Sri Datuk Amar (Dr) Haji Abdul Aziz bin Dato Haji Husain, Chairman of Sarawak Skills, emphasizing the transformative potential of TVET for economic towards sustainable development..
Reported by : Mdm. Norhidayah binti Mohd Hanapiah

9th Meeting of the Socio-Cultural & Education Cluster (SCE) BIMP EAGA 2024
Date: 31 July - 1 August 2024
Venue: Pullman Miri Waterfront Hotel, Miri Sarawak
The 9th Meeting of The Socio-Cultural and Education Cluster, Brunei Darussalam - Indonesia - Malaysia - Philippines East Asean Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) was hosted by Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) Malaysia. The purpose of this meeting is to review the deliverables and implementations plan for 2024 and update on projects in the Rolling Pipeline of Projects (RPoPs) 2023-2025 before being presented to the BIMP-EAGA Ministrial Meeting in October 2024.
The Ministry of Human Resources (MoHR), represented by Vocational Training Officers from CIAST, Department of Skills Development, presented two upcoming activities:
2024: Knowledge Sharing Program: TVET Bridging the Gap Between Education and Employability (hybrid format)
2025: Green Technology 2025 Seminar (physical format)
Additional Proposal for 2025: The Art of TVET Trainers (physical format)
Reported by : Ts. Dr. Norhayati binti Yahaya

BIMP-EAGA Strategic Planning Meeting, East ASEAN Growth Area
Date: 12-14 March 2024
Venue: Waterfront Hotel, Kuching Sarawak
This meeting highlights and directives of the 15th BIMP-EAGA Summit, 26th BIMP-EAGA Ministerial Meeting and related meetings. BIMP-FC presented the highlights of the 15th BIMP-EAGA Summit and the 26th BIMP-EAGA MM and related meetings to provide overall strategic guidance and context of the 2024 SPM.
This meeting also conduct strategic refinements in Accelerating Cooperation Together (ACT) BIMP-EAGA Vision 2025 Midterm Review by ADB for consideration in the Clusters and Working Groups (CWGs) planning.
ADB also present highlights of the review and assessment of BIMP-EAGA economic corridors, strategic framework and key elements of the proposed blue economy strategy. Meanwhile the Lead Facilitatiors of this meeting presented the SPM framework, process and outputs.
Reported by : Mr. Sudirman bin Suratin

BIMP-EAGA-- Republic of Kores (ROK) Cooperation Fund (BKCF) Workshop
Date: 5 February 2024 | Monday
Venue: Online
This workshop aimed to enhance understanding of the BKCF project process, including key updates on the 4th BKCF call for proposals, an introduction to the BKCF guideline and proposal template, and how to write effective BKCF proposals. The submission period for the 4th call begins on January 9, 2024, and closes on March 7, 2024, with applications to be sent to with the subject “[submission] project title” by the deadline. GGGI provided insights into the proposal review process, announcing increased grant hours and funding amounts for both single and multi-year projects, with the last multi-country project funding also raised. Proposal length is recommended to be limited to 10 pages, with submissions in English and budgets in USD.
The meeting involved diverse participants, including Ani Duffey and Matilde Gascon from Ptf Obc. Asia, and discussions led by GGGI on partnerships, technical proposal writing, and the upcoming BKCF call deadline. A Q&A session addressed collaboration with government agencies, project impact, eligibility for new organizations, priority areas, and proposal budgeting, emphasizing the importance of government coordination, clear benefits to citizens, and proposal strength over sector quantity.
Further discussions clarified co-financing requirements, the eligibility of foreign funds, the scope of projects nationwide, and due diligence processes, stressing the need for an appropriate accounting system and understanding of direct and indirect beneficiaries. The meeting concluded with a focus on the practical aspects of proposal submission, highlighting the importance of specificity, logical clarity, and incorporating gender and cross-cutting issues into project proposals for a more impactful and coherent submission.
Reported by : Ts. Dr. Norhayati Binti Yahaya

The 8th BIMP-EAGA Socio-Cultural and Education (SCE) Cluster Meeting
Date: 12 October 2023 | Thursday
Venue: Online (Host by Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, And Technology Republic of Indonesia)
In accordance with the resolution decided during the 30th BIMP-EAGA Senior Officer Meeting (SOM) and the 25th BIMP-EAGA Ministerial Meeting (MM) held in November 2022 in Kota Pontianak, Indonesia, and referring to the Strategic Planning Meeting held on 6 -9 February 2023, in Bandar Sri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, this meeting discussed the BIMP-EAGA Pipeline Project for the year 2023. In addition, this meeting also discuss the further mechanisms and focal points of the Youth Development and Sports Working Group which has been acknowledged by the BIMP-EAGA Minister. Focal Person from DSD is currently preparing the TOR for TVET Network project.
Reported by : Mr. Sudirman Bin Suratin

BIMP-EAGA Discussion with Malaysian Counterparts
Date: 30 August 2023
Venue: Online (Host by Indonesia)
This meeting is a discussion to kick-start the establishment of TVET network. TOR in establishing the TVET network among BIMP-EAGA Counterparts was advisable to be referred from ASEAN SEAMEO and will disuss in details about the content in the upcoming meeting.
Reported by : Mdm. Meena a/p Ramalingam

Date: March 8th-9th, 2023
Venue: Pullman Hotel, Kuching Sarawak, Malaysia
Under BIMP-EAGA's Social, Cultural, and Education Cluster, this conference is underlined in BIMP-EAGA's Development Path 2025 with the strategy of strengthening partnership in TVET and Higher Education Institution through improving competencies and sharing of information and technology. In addition, this conference provides an opportunity for Malaysia to showcase its aspiration as a renowend education hub in the BIMP-EAGA region, in the line with BIMP-VISION 2025.
Mr. Mohd Sukri Bin Ismail, Director of Certification and Competency Division in DSD was one of 18 speaker of the cenference was delivering a presentation under title of TVET TO DRIVE INNOVATION & TALENT DEVELOPMENT : ‘Competency Gap Among the Industry Needs & HEI/TVET Graduates’. DSD and CIAST also commit to open a booth for promotion of DSD Roles and Responsibilities, Malaysia Skills Certification System, (TryASkill) demonstration for Drone Operating System, togather with the training course offered for TVET trainer.
Attended by : Mr. Mohd Sukri Bin Ismail, Mdm. Meena a/p Ramalingam, Ts. Mohd Azmi bin Pelah, Mr. Sudirman Bin Suratin, Mr. Mohd Azmir Bin Ahmad & Mdm. Shamsiah Binti Sarkawi
> Speaker Slide Presentation
> Event Photos

7th BIMP-EAGA SCE Cluster Meeting
Date: November 3rd, 2022
Venue: Online Zoom Meeting, Host by Brunie Darussalam.
The online BIMP-EAGA Socio-Cultural and Educational Cluster meeting was held on November 3, 2022. The meeting was attended by delegates representing BIMP-EAGA countries, BIMP-EAGA FC and Asia Development Bank (ADB).
The meeting was chaired by Mr Hj Mohammad Abdoh Haji Damit, Acting Director of Culture and Arts, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Brunei Darussalam. Meeting sharing of the latest information and progress on the implementation of activities that have been planned and proposed new activities have been shared in this meeting and this meeting has also discussed issues and problems regarding constraints in the implementation of the planned programs.
The upcoming event is 3rd BIMP-EAGA TVET Conference 2023 that will be held at Sarawak. Currently, BIMP-EAGA TVET Symposium Promotional Activities will be implemented by Sarawak Skills.
Attended by : Ts. Mohd Azmi bin Pelah

BIMP-EAGA Vision 2025 Mid-Term Review (MTR) Task Force Meeting
Date: July 20-21, 2022
Venue: Century Park Hotel, Metro Manila, Philippines.
The Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-The Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) 1 Vision 2025 (BEV 2025), which covers 2017–2025, was endorsed by the Leaders at the 12th BIMP-EAGA Summit held on 29 April 2017, and provides strategic priorities and actions to ensure continuing relevance and responsiveness of the cooperation program. In 2021, BIMP-EAGA commenced the mid-term review (MTR)of BEV 2025 with the following objectives:
(i) assess accomplishments of BIMP-EAGA in the first five years of implementation covering the period 2017 to 2021;
(ii) determine BIMP- EAGA’s continued effectiveness and responsiveness based on the member countries’ development needs and priorities;
(iii) identify emerging development trends that influence BIMP-EAGA; and
(iv) propose refinements and recommendations for improvement in the remaining four years of BEV 2025 implementation. The MTR report is due for completion in 2022 and will be a key deliverable for the 25th BIMP-EAGA Ministerial Meeting (MM) scheduled in November 2022.
Attended by : Ts. Mohd Azmi bin Pelah

BIMP-EAGA Entrepreneurship Camp
Date: February 18, 2022
Venue: Video Conference
Presentation on the National Secretariat Plan 2022 by the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister's Department (JPM) namely calendar, tentative activities of Cluster and Working Group meetings and related meetings for 2022. The department can provide planning in terms of allocation and manpower for participation in BIMP-EAGA programs in 2022.
Attended by : Ts. Mohd Azmi bin Pelah

BIMP-EAGA Entrepreneurship Camp
Date: December 6 & 8, 2021
Venue: Video Conference
The BIMP-EAGA Entrepreneurship Camp was organized by the BIMP-EAGA Socio-Cultural Education (SCE) Cluster where Brunei has hosted the event in 2021. The program has been joined by other BIMP-EAGA countries aimed at further strengthening information sharing between the BIMP-EAGA Community. In addition, the program also helps coordinate the goals of the BIMP-EAGA Socio-Cultural Education (SCE) Cluster to develop capable human beings high as well as the resources needed by the BIMP-EAGA community.
Attended by : Ts. Mohd Azmi bin Pelah & Mr. Sudirman bin Suratin

24th BIMP-EAGA Ministerial Meeting
Date: October 11, 2021
Venue: Video Conference
This meeting was held to discuss the progress of programs/projects involving subregions, including initiatives that are being implemented to assist the Government to recover the economy as a result of Covid-19. The meeting is also to update the deliverables that will be presented during the BIMP-EAGA Summit on 28 October 2021 later. Cooperation and promotion in the field of skills training with ASEAN member countries as well as opportunities and potential to obtain financial assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in the development of skills training.
Attended by : Mr. Nicholas Bali

29th Mesy BIMP-EAGA Senior Officer Level-Philippine Organizer
Date: October 5, 2021
Venue: Video Conference
The meeting was held to present the results of the Mid Term Review meeting for all clusters in BIMP-EAGA Cooperation and projection in the field of skills training with ASEAN member countries as well as opportunities and potential to obtain financial assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in skills training development.
Attended by : Ts. Mohd Azmi bin Pelah

Date: March 2-8, 2021
Venue: Video Conference
Attended by : Ts. Mohd Azmi bin Pelah & Mr. Sudirman bin Suratin

Date: February 04, 2021
Venue: Video Conference

Webinar on 2021 BIMP-EAGA Strategic Planning Meeting briefing via Zoom Platform
Date: January 21, 2021
Venue: Video Conference
Attended by : Ts. Mohd Azmi bin Pelah & Mr. Sudirman bin Suratin
12 October 2020 [Online]: BIMP-EAGA SCE Cluster Special Virtual Meeting
21 September 2020 [Online]: Special Virtual Meeting of the BIMP - EAGA Human Resource Development Working Group
17-19 September 2020 [Sarawak]: Meeting on Socio-Cultural And Educational Cluster Meeting, Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East Asean Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA)
22-24 November 2020 [Sarawak]: Meeting on 23rd BIMP EAGA Ministerial Meeting and Related Meetings
15 August 2019 [Sarawak]: Meeting on Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting for the Preparation of Malaysia as the Host of the Socio-Cultural and Education Cluster Meeting, Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East Asean Growth Area (BIMP EAGA)
1-4 May 2019 [Australia]: 6th Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) and Northern Territory Senior Officials Meeting
11-15 February 2019 [Sabah]: BIMP-EAGA Strategic Planning Meeting
31 January 2019 [Putrajaya]: National Level Coordination Meeting for BIMP-EAGA Strategic Planning Meeting